Data Carpentry Workshop feature image Source: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
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R programming (10)
Spatial Data & GIS (10)
Metadata (1)

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rgdal (GIS) (2)
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R Bloggers

Data Carpentry Workshop

Spatial Intro 00: Answer a Spatio-temporal Research Question with Data - Where to Start?

This tutorial provides an overview of finding spatial data to support a research question. It covers some of the key data sources, providers and places that one can use to find data.

Spatial Intro 01: The Spatial Data Landscape

This tutorial introduces the spatial data tool landscape. It covers the types of gui and non-gui tools that are available. The tutorial explores the benefits (and challenges) of using a non-gui (coding) approach to method development that supports clear documentation of methods.

Spatial Intro 02: Spatial Data Formats -- Intro to Shapefiles (Vector Data) and GeoTIFFs (Raster Data)

This tutorial covers the basics of key data formats that may contain spatial information including shapefile, GeoTIFF and .csv. It also provides a brief overview of other formats that you may encounter when working with spatial data.

Spatial Intro 03: Data About Data -- Intro to Metadata File Formats and Structure

This tutorial covers what metadata are and why we need to work with metadata in the context of spatio-temporal data. It covers the three common metadata formats: text file format, web page format and Ecological Metadata Language (EML).

Spatial Intro 04: Intro to Coordinate Reference Systems & Spatial Projections

This lesson covers the key spatial attributes that are needed to work with spatial data including: Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS), Extent and spatial resolution.

Spatial Intro 05: Introduction to the UTM Projected CRS and a Brief overview of datums

This tutorial focuses on the Universal Trans Mercator (UTM) projected Coordinate Reference which divides the globe into zones to optimize projection results in each zone. It also briefly introduces the concept of a datum.

Spatial Intro 06: A Quick Overview of CRS Formats - Proj4 & EPSG - in R

This lesson covers formats that CRS information may be in including proj4 and EPGS and how to work with them in R.

Spatial Intro 07: Cleaning Data -- Missing and Bad Data Values

This tutorial covers spatial data cleaning - specifically dealing with missing (NA / NAN) values and bad values when working with spatial data in R.

Spatial Intro 08: Intro to Spatial Metadata -- Spatial Resolution and Spatial Extent

This lesson covers the key spatial attributes that are needed to work with spatial data including: Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS), Extent and spatial resolution.

Spatial Intro 09: R Packages for Spatial-temporal Data -- Setting Up Your Working Environment

This lesson covers the key packages that support working with spatial data in R.