A simple extension or subclass of the "data.frame" class for typical “discrete” water quality monitoring programs that examine phenomena on a time scale of days or longer. It requires water quality data to be in a specific “long” format, although a generating function wqData can be used for different forms of data.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("WqData", d), where d is a data.frame. d should have columns named time, site, depth, variable, value of class "DateTime", "factor", "numeric", "factor", "numeric", respectively.


#> Class "WqData" [package "wql"]
#> Slots:
#> Name:                .Data               names           row.names
#> Class:                list           character data.frameRowLabels
#> Name:             .S3Class
#> Class:           character
#> Extends: 
#> Class "data.frame", directly
#> Class "list", by class "data.frame", distance 2
#> Class "oldClass", by class "data.frame", distance 2
#> Class "vector", by class "data.frame", distance 3
# Construct the WqData object sfb as shown in the wqData examples.
sfb <- wqData(sfbay, c(1, 3, 4), 5:12, site.order = TRUE, type = "wide",
  time.format = "%m/%d/%Y")
# Summarize the data
#>       time             site           depth           variable    
#>  Min.   :1985-01-23   s21:23933   Min.   : 0.500   sal    :23172  
#>  1st Qu.:1993-04-15   s24:15348   1st Qu.: 3.000   temp   :23156  
#>  Median :1996-06-12   s27:18122   Median : 6.000   chl    :22063  
#>  Mean   :1996-07-24   s30:20445   Mean   : 6.836   spm    :16463  
#>  3rd Qu.:2000-07-13   s32:16905   3rd Qu.:10.000   dox    :15505  
#>  Max.   :2004-12-14   s36: 7973   Max.   :20.000   nox    :  807  
#>                                                    (Other): 1560  
#>      value       
#>  Min.   :  0.01  
#>  1st Qu.:  7.50  
#>  Median : 13.90  
#>  Mean   : 17.78  
#>  3rd Qu.: 23.00  
#>  Max.   :983.00  
# Create boxplot summary of data
plot(sfb, vars = c("chl", "dox", "spm"), num.col = 2)

# Extract some of the data as a WqData object
sfb[1:10, ]  # first 10 observations
#>          time site depth variable value
#> 1  1985-01-23  s21     1      chl   5.6
#> 2  1985-01-23  s21     2      chl   3.4
#> 3  1985-01-23  s21     6      chl   3.1
#> 4  1985-01-23  s21    12      chl   3.4
#> 5  1985-01-23  s24     1      chl   6.2
#> 6  1985-01-23  s24     2      chl   5.6
#> 7  1985-01-23  s24     9      chl   3.3
#> 8  1985-01-23  s30     1      chl   1.7
#> 9  1985-01-23  s30     2      chl   0.9
#> 10 1985-01-23  s30    14      chl   1.6
sfb[sfb$depth == 20, ]  # all observations at 20 m
#>              time site depth variable value
#> 6887   1993-01-26  s21    20      chl  0.80
#> 11082  1996-02-01  s21    20      chl  0.60
#> 13830  1997-11-06  s21    20      chl  1.90
#> 26826  1996-02-01  s21    20      dox  8.00
#> 29573  1997-11-06  s21    20      dox  7.60
#> 38398  1993-01-26  s21    20      spm 17.00
#> 42933  1996-02-01  s21    20      spm  9.00
#> 45629  1997-11-06  s21    20      spm 10.00
#> 55760  1987-05-22  s21    20      sal 31.24
#> 55927  1987-10-01  s21    20      sal 32.07
#> 62090  1993-01-26  s21    20      sal 26.74
#> 66825  1996-02-01  s21    20      sal 28.99
#> 69573  1997-11-06  s21    20      sal 31.52
#> 78893  1987-05-22  s21    20     temp 14.90
#> 79060  1987-10-01  s21    20     temp 16.18
#> 85225  1993-01-26  s21    20     temp 11.43
#> 89960  1996-02-01  s21    20     temp 11.48
#> 92708  1997-11-06  s21    20     temp 15.97
#> 101482 1997-11-06  s21    20      nox 13.39
#> 102288 1997-11-06  s21    20      nhx  5.35