mean.rv computes the distribution of the arithmetic average of its argument rv object.

# S3 method for rv
mean(x, ...)



an object


further arguments passed to or from other methods


mean gives the distribution (that is, a random variable object) of the statistic \(\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i\) (sum(x)/length(x)).

In particular, mean(x) of a random vector x of length one is equal to x as it would be in the case of numerical x.

To find the expectation of a random vector x (that is, the individual means of random components in a vector), use rvmean(x) (same as E(x) and Pr(x)).


Kerman, J. and Gelman, A. (2007). Manipulating and Summarizing Posterior Simulations Using Random Variable Objects. Statistics and Computing 17:3, 235-244.

See also vignette("rv").

See also


Jouni Kerman


  y <- rvnorm(10, mean=0, sd=1)
  m1 <- mean(y)
  m2 <- rvnorm(1, mean=0, sd=1/sqrt(10))
  print(c(m1, m2)) # should have the same distribution
#>        mean   sd    1%  2.5%   25%    50%  75% 97.5%  99% sims
#> [1] -0.0099 0.34 -0.75 -0.61 -0.25 -0.016 0.26  0.62 0.66  200
#> [2] -0.0393 0.31 -0.72 -0.66 -0.23 -0.055 0.15  0.56 0.80  200