Returns the minimum observed home range for multiple observations of each individual fish.

homerange(unique = NULL, survey = NULL, seg, vert, rivers, map = FALSE,
  algorithm = NULL, main = NULL, ...)



A vector of unique identifiers for each fish. If the default (NULL) is used, the function will assume all observations come from a single individual.


A vector of survey identifiers for each fish. This argument is not needed for home range calculation, but can affect plotting (see plot.homerange).


A vector of river locations (segment component).


A vector of river locations (vertex component).


The river network object to use.


Deprecated, use plot.homerange for plotting instead. Originally, whether to produce sanity-check maps of observed locations and calculated home range for each fish.


Which route detection algorithm to use ("Dijkstra", "sequential", or "segroutes"). If left as NULL (the default), the function will automatically make a selection. See detectroute for more details.


Deprecated, use plot.homerange for plotting instead. Originally, plot title, if map is set to TRUE. If unspecified, the unique ID will be used for the title.


Deprecated, use plot.homerange for plotting instead. Originally, additional plotting arguments, if map is set to TRUE.


An object of the homerange-class. The $ranges element is a data frame with two columns: $ID is a list of unique fish (as specified by unique=), and $range is calculated minimum home range, in the units of the coordinate system (this will likely be meters). The other elements are used for plotting, see homerange-class for more details.


Building routes from the river mouth to each river network segment and/or distance lookup tables will greatly reduce computation time (see buildsegroutes).

See also

plot.homerange, homerangeoverlap, plothomerangeoverlap


data(Gulk, fakefish) ranges <- with(fakefish, homerange(, survey=flight, seg=seg, vert=vert, rivers=Gulk)) ranges
#> Minumum home ranges associated with each individual #> #> ID range #> 1 1 165698.89 #> 2 2 94833.30 #> 3 3 232892.91 #> 4 4 141143.68 #> 5 6 138765.21 #> 6 7 145436.14 #> 7 8 113141.15 #> 8 9 113860.33 #> 9 10 101682.66 #> 10 11 156097.77 #> 11 12 97081.89 #> 12 13 177000.52 #> 13 14 179146.30 #> 14 15 149433.33 #> 15 16 139167.26 #> 16 17 179123.34 #> 17 18 70523.57 #> 18 19 151396.99 #> 19 20 174099.34
# 19 plots will be produced, recommend calling par(mfrow=c(4,5)) plot(ranges)
#> $either #> 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 #> 1 165698.9 182717.7 266279.4 187355.9 226772.5 182080.4 228890.5 167680.9 #> 2 182717.7 94833.3 232892.9 169679.2 205063.0 173971.7 158824.4 150525.6 #> 3 266279.4 232892.9 232892.9 252105.7 234302.7 258970.2 235931.2 233544.8 #> 4 187355.9 169679.2 252105.7 141143.7 230930.0 150711.7 233670.3 171838.3 #> 6 226772.5 205063.0 234302.7 230930.0 138765.2 235222.5 162120.0 172952.0 #> 7 182080.4 173971.7 258970.2 150711.7 235222.5 145436.1 237962.7 176130.8 #> 8 228890.5 158824.4 235931.2 233670.3 162120.0 237962.7 113141.1 175692.2 #> 9 167680.9 150525.6 233544.8 171838.3 172952.0 176130.8 175692.2 113860.3 #> 10 165698.9 150372.2 235550.5 147049.7 185563.0 151342.2 188303.2 126471.3 #> 11 180799.6 158015.9 242693.6 169362.7 217665.1 173655.2 220405.3 158573.4 #> 12 166633.8 151550.3 234622.6 171413.6 158155.6 175706.1 167306.6 116049.9 #> 13 228713.3 243298.3 291434.9 248753.6 201209.6 243478.1 224564.4 207627.4 #> 14 217499.6 200314.7 235484.5 222279.4 202361.0 226571.9 204394.5 179798.2 #> 15 208946.8 191850.8 234598.5 212109.9 185842.1 216402.4 188582.3 156179.9 #> 16 184209.8 139984.4 233093.7 171168.9 207994.6 176900.6 201668.6 153457.1 #> 17 225173.5 207187.5 232892.9 229152.2 184513.2 233444.6 187253.4 179954.0 #> 18 189747.8 165356.9 235468.0 165192.6 166716.5 169485.0 183664.7 137909.2 #> 19 206821.7 217694.8 299791.6 223150.1 210546.8 217874.6 233901.6 182023.9 #> 20 203637.3 193339.8 239780.3 208417.0 197528.3 212709.5 199352.5 174099.3 #> 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 #> 1 165698.9 180799.6 166633.82 228713.3 217499.6 208946.8 184209.8 225173.5 #> 2 150372.2 158015.9 151550.34 243298.3 200314.7 191850.8 139984.4 207187.5 #> 3 235550.5 242693.6 234622.62 291434.9 235484.5 234598.5 233093.7 232892.9 #> 4 147049.7 169362.7 171413.61 248753.6 222279.4 212109.9 171168.9 229152.2 #> 6 185563.0 217665.1 158155.55 201209.6 202361.0 185842.1 207994.6 184513.2 #> 7 151342.2 173655.2 175706.08 243478.1 226571.9 216402.4 176900.6 233444.6 #> 8 188303.2 220405.3 167306.61 224564.4 204394.5 188582.3 201668.6 187253.4 #> 9 126471.3 158573.4 116049.89 207627.4 179798.2 156179.9 153457.1 179954.0 #> 10 101682.7 156097.8 126046.56 217238.3 181803.9 166742.9 153480.9 183785.1 #> 11 156097.8 156097.8 158148.69 242698.0 209014.5 199345.7 160624.0 215887.3 #> 12 126046.6 158148.7 97081.89 192198.6 181281.0 151984.9 152352.2 182143.6 #> 13 217238.3 242698.0 192198.60 177000.5 235096.7 218469.4 247224.2 237665.3 #> 14 181803.9 209014.5 181280.98 235096.7 179146.3 187174.7 202539.5 197149.9 #> 15 166742.9 199345.7 151984.91 218469.4 187174.7 149433.3 195776.7 194805.5 #> 16 153480.9 160624.0 152352.19 247224.2 202539.5 195776.7 139167.3 210297.8 #> 17 183785.1 215887.3 182143.56 237665.3 197149.9 194805.5 210297.8 179123.3 #> 18 125731.5 180146.7 121130.77 201049.4 191929.4 155893.6 174872.2 199560.2 #> 19 191634.7 217094.5 166595.07 215205.1 246045.0 214626.4 221620.7 246022.0 #> 20 174099.3 195152.1 174740.63 225968.1 188170.9 191688.0 195355.4 195929.2 #> 18 19 20 #> 1 189747.77 206821.7 203637.3 #> 2 165356.87 217694.8 193339.8 #> 3 235468.03 299791.6 239780.3 #> 4 165192.55 223150.1 208417.0 #> 6 166716.48 210546.8 197528.3 #> 7 169485.02 217874.6 212709.5 #> 8 183664.72 233901.6 199352.5 #> 9 137909.20 182023.9 174099.3 #> 10 125731.54 191634.7 174099.3 #> 11 180146.65 217094.5 195152.1 #> 12 121130.77 166595.1 174740.6 #> 13 201049.40 215205.1 225968.1 #> 14 191929.44 246045.0 188170.9 #> 15 155893.58 214626.4 191688.0 #> 16 174872.16 221620.7 195355.4 #> 17 199560.24 246022.0 195929.2 #> 18 70523.57 174465.4 198148.2 #> 19 174465.36 151397.0 235091.1 #> 20 198148.21 235091.1 174099.3 #> #> $both #> 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 #> 1 165698.89 77814.48 132312.38 119486.68 77691.56 129054.66 49949.57 #> 2 77814.48 94833.30 94833.30 66297.78 28535.52 66297.78 49150.09 #> 3 132312.38 94833.30 232892.91 121930.88 137355.39 119358.85 110102.84 #> 4 119486.68 66297.78 121930.88 141143.68 48978.86 135868.16 20614.57 #> 6 77691.56 28535.52 137355.39 48978.86 138765.21 48978.86 89786.36 #> 7 129054.66 66297.78 119358.85 135868.16 48978.86 145436.14 20614.57 #> 8 49949.57 49150.09 110102.84 20614.57 89786.36 20614.57 113141.15 #> 9 111878.36 58168.04 113208.44 83165.66 79673.53 83165.66 51309.24 #> 10 101682.66 46143.77 99025.02 95776.62 54884.89 95776.62 26520.61 #> 11 140997.08 92915.18 146297.09 127878.75 77197.88 127878.75 48833.59 #> 12 96146.96 40364.85 95352.18 66811.96 77691.56 66811.96 42916.43 #> 13 113986.11 28535.52 118458.54 69390.55 114556.15 78958.53 65577.29 #> 14 127345.58 73664.85 176554.71 98010.57 115550.49 98010.57 87892.98 #> 15 106185.45 52415.82 147727.78 78467.09 102356.47 78467.09 73992.18 #> 16 120656.36 94016.13 138966.46 109142.02 69937.93 107702.83 50639.81 #> 17 119648.78 66769.11 179123.34 91114.84 133375.38 91114.84 105011.09 #> 18 46474.69 0.00 67948.45 46474.69 42572.30 46474.69 0.00 #> 19 110274.22 28535.52 84498.33 69390.55 79615.43 78958.53 30636.57 #> 20 136160.97 75592.82 167211.92 106825.96 115336.29 106825.96 87887.94 #> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 #> 1 111878.36 101682.66 140997.08 96146.96 113986.11 127345.58 106185.45 #> 2 58168.04 46143.77 92915.18 40364.85 28535.52 73664.85 52415.82 #> 3 113208.44 99025.02 146297.09 95352.18 118458.54 176554.71 147727.78 #> 4 83165.66 95776.62 127878.75 66811.96 69390.55 98010.57 78467.09 #> 6 79673.53 54884.89 77197.88 77691.56 114556.15 115550.49 102356.47 #> 7 83165.66 95776.62 127878.75 66811.96 78958.53 98010.57 78467.09 #> 8 51309.24 26520.61 48833.59 42916.43 65577.29 87892.98 73992.18 #> 9 113860.33 89071.70 111384.68 94892.33 83233.47 113208.44 107113.76 #> 10 89071.70 101682.66 101682.66 72717.99 61444.92 99025.02 84373.13 #> 11 111384.68 101682.66 156097.77 95030.98 90400.28 126229.60 106185.45 #> 12 94892.33 72717.99 95030.98 97081.89 81883.82 94947.22 94530.31 #> 13 83233.47 61444.92 90400.28 81883.82 177000.52 121050.12 107964.41 #> 14 113208.44 99025.02 126229.60 94947.22 121050.12 179146.30 141404.89 #> 15 107113.76 84373.13 106185.45 94530.31 107964.41 141404.89 149433.33 #> 16 99570.44 87369.00 134641.07 83896.96 68943.58 115774.03 92823.88 #> 17 113029.68 97020.88 119333.86 94061.68 118458.54 161119.69 133751.13 #> 18 46474.69 46474.69 46474.69 46474.69 46474.69 57740.42 64063.32 #> 19 83233.47 61444.92 90400.28 81883.82 113192.43 84498.33 86203.88 #> 20 113860.33 101682.66 135044.99 96440.60 125131.75 165074.78 131844.70 #> 16 17 18 19 20 #> 1 120656.36 119648.78 46474.69 110274.22 136160.97 #> 2 94016.13 66769.11 0.00 28535.52 75592.82 #> 3 138966.46 179123.34 67948.45 84498.33 167211.92 #> 4 109142.02 91114.84 46474.69 69390.55 106825.96 #> 6 69937.93 133375.38 42572.30 79615.43 115336.29 #> 7 107702.83 91114.84 46474.69 78958.53 106825.96 #> 8 50639.81 105011.09 0.00 30636.57 87887.94 #> 9 99570.44 113029.68 46474.69 83233.47 113860.33 #> 10 87369.00 97020.88 46474.69 61444.92 101682.66 #> 11 134641.07 119333.86 46474.69 90400.28 135044.99 #> 12 83896.96 94061.68 46474.69 81883.82 96440.60 #> 13 68943.58 118458.54 46474.69 113192.43 125131.75 #> 14 115774.03 161119.69 57740.42 84498.33 165074.78 #> 15 92823.88 133751.13 64063.32 86203.88 131844.70 #> 16 139167.26 107992.76 34818.67 68943.58 117911.17 #> 17 107992.76 179123.34 50086.67 84498.33 157293.51 #> 18 34818.67 50086.67 70523.57 47455.20 46474.69 #> 19 68943.58 84498.33 47455.20 151396.99 90405.24 #> 20 117911.17 157293.51 46474.69 90405.24 174099.34 #> #> $prop_both #> 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 #> 1 1.0000000 0.4258727 0.4968930 0.63775248 0.3425968 0.70877855 0.21822480 #> 2 0.4258727 1.0000000 0.4071970 0.39072426 0.1391549 0.38108379 0.30946192 #> 3 0.4968930 0.4071970 1.0000000 0.48364986 0.5862304 0.46089804 0.46667347 #> 4 0.6377525 0.3907243 0.4836499 1.00000000 0.2120939 0.90151062 0.08822077 #> 6 0.3425968 0.1391549 0.5862304 0.21209392 1.0000000 0.20822352 0.55382652 #> 7 0.7087786 0.3810838 0.4608980 0.90151062 0.2082235 1.00000000 0.08662941 #> 8 0.2182248 0.3094619 0.4666735 0.08822077 0.5538265 0.08662941 1.00000000 #> 9 0.6672101 0.3864329 0.4847397 0.48397613 0.4606684 0.47218121 0.29204045 #> 10 0.6136593 0.3068638 0.4203982 0.65132137 0.2957750 0.63284818 0.14083992 #> 11 0.7798529 0.5880116 0.6028058 0.75505851 0.3546636 0.73639474 0.22156268 #> 12 0.5769955 0.2663462 0.4064066 0.38977042 0.4912351 0.38024841 0.25651368 #> 13 0.4983799 0.1172861 0.4064666 0.27895290 0.5693374 0.32429415 0.29202001 #> 14 0.5854980 0.3677455 0.7497509 0.44093413 0.5710116 0.43258052 0.43001642 #> 15 0.5081938 0.2732113 0.6297048 0.36993601 0.5507712 0.36259812 0.39236014 #> 16 0.6549943 0.6716185 0.5961828 0.63762758 0.3362488 0.60883259 0.25110409 #> 17 0.5313627 0.3222641 0.7691232 0.39761716 0.7228502 0.39030597 0.56079674 #> 18 0.2449288 0.0000000 0.2885676 0.28133649 0.2553575 0.27421122 0.00000000 #> 19 0.5331850 0.1310804 0.2818569 0.31095907 0.3781365 0.36240357 0.13098062 #> 20 0.6686447 0.3909842 0.6973546 0.51255865 0.5838977 0.50221525 0.44086694 #> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 #> 1 0.6672101 0.6136593 0.7798529 0.5769955 0.4983799 0.5854980 0.5081938 #> 2 0.3864329 0.3068638 0.5880116 0.2663462 0.1172861 0.3677455 0.2732113 #> 3 0.4847397 0.4203982 0.6028058 0.4064066 0.4064666 0.7497509 0.6297048 #> 4 0.4839761 0.6513214 0.7550585 0.3897704 0.2789529 0.4409341 0.3699360 #> 6 0.4606684 0.2957750 0.3546636 0.4912351 0.5693374 0.5710116 0.5507712 #> 7 0.4721812 0.6328482 0.7363947 0.3802484 0.3242941 0.4325805 0.3625981 #> 8 0.2920405 0.1408399 0.2215627 0.2565137 0.2920200 0.4300164 0.3923601 #> 9 1.0000000 0.7042839 0.7024171 0.8176857 0.4008790 0.6296417 0.6858358 #> 10 0.7042839 1.0000000 0.6514036 0.5769138 0.2828458 0.5446803 0.5060075 #> 11 0.7024171 0.6514036 1.0000000 0.6008964 0.3724805 0.6039275 0.5326700 #> 12 0.8176857 0.5769138 0.6008964 1.0000000 0.4260375 0.5237572 0.6219717 #> 13 0.4008790 0.2828458 0.3724805 0.4260375 1.0000000 0.5148950 0.4941854 #> 14 0.6296417 0.5446803 0.6039275 0.5237572 0.5148950 1.0000000 0.7554699 #> 15 0.6858358 0.5060075 0.5326700 0.6219717 0.4941854 0.7554699 1.0000000 #> 16 0.6488485 0.5692499 0.8382378 0.5506777 0.2788707 0.5716120 0.4741314 #> 17 0.6281032 0.5279039 0.5527601 0.5164151 0.4984258 0.8172444 0.6865879 #> 18 0.3369949 0.3696343 0.2579826 0.3836737 0.2311606 0.3008419 0.4109427 #> 19 0.4572668 0.3206357 0.4164099 0.4915141 0.5259747 0.3434264 0.4016461 #> 20 0.6539963 0.5840497 0.6919986 0.5519071 0.5537585 0.8772601 0.6878090 #> 16 17 18 19 20 #> 1 0.6549943 0.5313627 0.2449288 0.5331850 0.6686447 #> 2 0.6716185 0.3222641 0.0000000 0.1310804 0.3909842 #> 3 0.5961828 0.7691232 0.2885676 0.2818569 0.6973546 #> 4 0.6376276 0.3976172 0.2813365 0.3109591 0.5125587 #> 6 0.3362488 0.7228502 0.2553575 0.3781365 0.5838977 #> 7 0.6088326 0.3903060 0.2742112 0.3624036 0.5022153 #> 8 0.2511041 0.5607967 0.0000000 0.1309806 0.4408669 #> 9 0.6488485 0.6281032 0.3369949 0.4572668 0.6539963 #> 10 0.5692499 0.5279039 0.3696343 0.3206357 0.5840497 #> 11 0.8382378 0.5527601 0.2579826 0.4164099 0.6919986 #> 12 0.5506777 0.5164151 0.3836737 0.4915141 0.5519071 #> 13 0.2788707 0.4984258 0.2311606 0.5259747 0.5537585 #> 14 0.5716120 0.8172444 0.3008419 0.3434264 0.8772601 #> 15 0.4741314 0.6865879 0.4109427 0.4016461 0.6878090 #> 16 1.0000000 0.5135229 0.1991093 0.3110882 0.6035725 #> 17 0.5135229 1.0000000 0.2509852 0.3434584 0.8028080 #> 18 0.1991093 0.2509852 1.0000000 0.2720036 0.2345451 #> 19 0.3110882 0.3434584 0.2720036 1.0000000 0.3845541 #> 20 0.6035725 0.8028080 0.2345451 0.3845541 1.0000000 #>
with(fakefish, riverpoints(seg=seg, vert=vert, rivers=Gulk))