Now that we have learned how to work with a dockerfile, we can send all our analysis to a collaborator. We will share an image that contains all the dependencies that we need to run our analysis, the data and the analysis.

We will build this image via a dockerfile. Let’s start with the basic verse rocker image we used before. This time we want to have a specific R version (3.3.2), which the developers make possible by tagging the images with the version. See all available tags for the rocker/verse image here. The version tag is very useful when you want your analysis to be reproducible.

FROM rocker/verse:3.3.2

As part of our analysis, we will use the gapminder data. We will need to install this package into our docker image. Let’s modify our dockerfile to install this package.

RUN R -e "install.packages('gapminder', repos = '')"

Now we just need to write our analysis and add it to our dockerfile.

For this analysis, we will create a plot of life expectancy vs. gdp per capita.

On a new R script let’s write the following analysis.

## Warning: package 'gapminder' was built under R version 4.1.2
life_expentancy_plot <- ggplot(data = gapminder) +
  geom_point(aes(x = lifeExp, y = gdpPercap, colour = continent))

We will save this r script as analysis.R and add it to our dockerfile.

ADD analysis.R /home/rstudio/

Now we can build the image and check that we have everything we want to share with our collaborator.

docker build -t my-analysis .

Our analysis will appear on the list of images.

docker images

Launch your new image and check you have everything you want to include:

docker run -dp 8787:8787 my-analysis

Great! our analysis script is there and gapminder is installed.

Now we can push our analysis to dockerhub.

On dockerhub click on Create Repository. Choose a name (e.g. gapminder_my_analysis) and a description for your repository and click Create.

Log into the Docker Hub from the command line

docker login --username=yourhubusername

just with your own user name that you used for the account. Enter your password when prompted.

Check the image ID using

docker images

and what you will see will be similar to

REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
my-analysis                      latest              dc63d4790eaa        2 minutes ago       3.164 GB

and tag your image

docker tag dc63d4790eaa yourhubusername/gapminder_my_analysis:firsttry

Push your image to the repository you created

docker push yourhubusername/gapminder_my_analysis

Your image is now available for everyone to use.

Now your collaborator can download your image.

Your collaborator should write on their command line:

docker pull yourhubusername/gapminder_my_analysis:firsttry

They now have the image of your analysis.

Click to go back to the main page.