In the case of a network query, a terminal reach is a stream flowline that has no downstream reaches in-network. In the case of a point query, a terminal reach is a flowline that exits the intersecting surface waterbody.

  lon = NA,
  lat = NA,
  buffer_dist = 0.01,
  network = NA,
  lakepoly = NA,
  lakewise = FALSE,
  lakesize_threshold = 4,
  approve_all_dl = FALSE,
  temporary = TRUE,



numeric decimal degree longitude. optional. See Details section.


numeric decimal degree latitude. optional. See Details section.


numeric buffer around lat-lon point in dec. deg.


sf lines collection. optional. See Details section.


sf polygon. optional. See Details section.


logical. If TRUE, return the terminal reaches of all lakes in the stream network rather than a single terminal reach of the focal lake.


numeric above which to count as a lake (ha).


logical blanket approval to download all missing data. Defaults to TRUE if session is non-interactive.


logical set FALSE to save data to a persistent rappdirs location


parameters passed on to sf::st_read


An sf data frame with LINESTRING geometries


There are multiple ways to execute terminal_reaches:

  • Only providing lon + lat arguments - this will query the corresponding lake polygon layer and find the terminal reach of the lake intersecting a buffer around the specified point.

  • Only providing a lake polygon - this is essentially the same as above except there is no preliminary lake polygon query.

  • Only providing a network of stream lines - this provides the most downstream reach irrespective of lakes.


if (FALSE) {

coords <- data.frame(lat = 46.32711, lon = -89.58893)
t_reach <- terminal_reaches(coords$lon, coords$lat)

coords <- data.frame(lat = 20.79722, lon = -156.47833)
# use a non-geographic (projected) buffer size
t_reach <- terminal_reaches(coords$lon, coords$lat,
  buffer_dist = units::as_units(5, "km"))

coords  <- data.frame(lat = 42.96628, lon = -89.25264)
t_reach <- terminal_reaches(coords$lon, coords$lat)

coords  <- data.frame(lat = 41.42217, lon = -73.24189)
t_reach <- terminal_reaches(coords$lon, coords$lat)

mapview(st_as_sf(coords, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)) +
  mapview(t_reach$geometry, color = "red")

coords <- data.frame(lat = 41.859080, lon = -71.575422)
network <- nhd_plus_query(lon = coords$lon, lat = coords$lat,
  dsn = "NHDFlowline", buffer_dist = 0.05)$sp$NHDFlowline
t_reach      <- terminal_reaches(network = network)
t_reach_lake <- terminal_reaches(network = network, lakewise = TRUE,
  lakesize_threshold = 1)

mapview(network) + mapview(t_reach_lake, color = "green") +
  mapview(t_reach, color = "red")