This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Explore and Plot by Shapefile Attributes


Teaching: 40 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • How can I compute on the attributes of a spatial object?

  • Query attributes of a spatial object.

  • Subset spatial objects using specific attribute values.

  • Plot a shapefile, colored by unique attribute values.

Things You’ll Need To Complete This Episode

See the lesson homepage for detailed information about the software, data, and other prerequisites you will need to work through the examples in this episode.

This episode continues our discussion of shapefile attributes and covers how to work with shapefile attributes in R. It covers how to identify and query shapefile attributes, as well as how to subset shapefiles by specific attribute values. Finally, we will learn how to plot a shapefile according to a set of attribute values.

Load the Data

We will continue using the sf, raster and ggplot2 packages in this episode. Make sure that you have these packages loaded. We will continue to work with the three shapefiles that we loaded in the Open and Plot Shapefiles in R episode.

Query Shapefile Metadata

As we discussed in the Open and Plot Shapefiles in R episode, we can view metadata associated with an R object using:

We started to explore our erie_outline object in the previous episode. Here, we will look at a more complex object representing Lake Erie management zones.

erie_zones <- st_read("data/erie_zones.shp")
Reading layer `erie_zones' from data source 
  using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 11 features and 8 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 292076.1 ymin: 4582052 xmax: 675959 ymax: 4751574
CRS:           unknown

To see a summary of all of the metadata associated with our erie_zones object, we can view the object with View(erie_zones) or print a summary of the object itself to the console.

Simple feature collection with 11 features and 8 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 292076.1 ymin: 4582052 xmax: 675959 ymax: 4751574
CRS:           unknown
First 10 features:
1         1 Mich.  323.4672  32346.73   79928.76      MU1   1.996955 0.03514546
2         2  OE-5 1764.0675 176406.75  435901.07      MU5   2.665866 0.19481404
3         3  OE-1 1565.6603 156566.03  386874.66      MU1   1.931562 0.16991382
4         4   O-1 1975.1655 197516.55  488063.40      MU1   4.927572 0.21340517
5         5  OE-2 3556.8141 355681.41  878888.76      MU2   3.153808 0.38810201
6         6   O-2 4532.7467 453274.67 1120041.71      MU2   3.820894 0.48906958
7         7  OE-3 3383.3656 338336.56  836029.63      MU3   2.594871 0.37061446
8         8   O-3 2740.7223 274072.23  677232.49      MU3   2.490809 0.29805226
9         9  OE-4 2507.6910 250769.10  619650.44      MU4   3.720807 0.27520295
10       10 Penn. 1969.0486 196904.86  486551.90      MU4   2.717525 0.21485187
1  POLYGON ((324940.2 4647311,...
2  POLYGON ((670839.7 4751554,...
3  POLYGON ((322074.6 4656546,...
4  POLYGON ((295773.4 4622956,...
5  POLYGON ((374929.3 4640631,...
6  POLYGON ((371024 4584031, 3...
7  POLYGON ((445085.4 4702716,...
8  POLYGON ((476645.9 4623456,...
9  POLYGON ((587978.5 4741264,...
10 POLYGON ((539843.7 4647691,...

We can use the ncol function to count the number of attributes associated with a spatial object too. Note that the geometry is just another column and counts towards the total.

[1] 9

We can view the individual name of each attribute using the names() function in R:

[1] "OBJECTID"   "NAME"       "SQ_KM"      "HECTARES"   "ACRES"     
[6] "MGMTUNIT"   "Shape_Leng" "Shape_Area" "geometry"  

We could also view just the first 6 rows of attribute values using the head() function to get a preview of the data:

Simple feature collection with 6 features and 8 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 292076.1 ymin: 4582052 xmax: 670839.7 ymax: 4751574
CRS:           unknown
1        1 Mich.  323.4672  32346.73   79928.76      MU1   1.996955 0.03514546
2        2  OE-5 1764.0675 176406.75  435901.07      MU5   2.665866 0.19481404
3        3  OE-1 1565.6603 156566.03  386874.66      MU1   1.931562 0.16991382
4        4   O-1 1975.1655 197516.55  488063.40      MU1   4.927572 0.21340517
5        5  OE-2 3556.8141 355681.41  878888.76      MU2   3.153808 0.38810201
6        6   O-2 4532.7467 453274.67 1120041.71      MU2   3.820894 0.48906958
1 POLYGON ((324940.2 4647311,...
2 POLYGON ((670839.7 4751554,...
3 POLYGON ((322074.6 4656546,...
4 POLYGON ((295773.4 4622956,...
5 POLYGON ((374929.3 4640631,...
6 POLYGON ((371024 4584031, 3...

Challenge: Attributes for Different Spatial Classes

Explore the attributes associated with the erie_zones spatial object.

  1. How many attributes does it have?
  2. Which of the following is NOT an attribute of the erie_outline data object?



1) To find the number of attributes, we use the ncol() function:

[1] 9

2) To see a list of all of the attributes, we can use the names() function:

[1] "OBJECTID"   "NAME"       "SQ_KM"      "HECTARES"   "ACRES"     
[6] "MGMTUNIT"   "Shape_Leng" "Shape_Area" "geometry"  

“MGMTZONE” is not an attribute of this object.

Explore Values within One Attribute

We can explore individual values stored within a particular attribute. Comparing attributes to a spreadsheet or a data frame, this is similar to exploring values in a column. For spatial objects, we can use the syntax: objectName$attributeName.

We can see the contents of the MGMTUNIT field of our vector object:

 [1] "MU1" "MU5" "MU1" "MU1" "MU2" "MU2" "MU3" "MU3" "MU4" "MU4" "MU5"

To see only unique values within the MGMTUNIT field, we can use the levels() function for extracting the possible values of a categorical variable. The special term for categorical variables within R is factor.


Subset Shapefiles

We can use the filter() function from dplyr to select a subset of features from a spatial object in R, just like with data frames.

For example, we might be interested only in features that are of MGMTUNIT “MU5”. Once we subset out this data, we can use it as input to other code so that code only operates on the MU5 management zones.

zone_5 <- erie_zones %>% 
  dplyr::filter(MGMTUNIT == "MU5")
[1] 2

Our subsetting operation reduces the features count to 2. This means that only two feature polygons in our spatial object have the attribute MGMTUNIT == MU5. We can plot only these polygons:

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = zone_5) +
  ggtitle("Walleye Management Units", subtitle = "Zone 5") + 

plot of chunk plot-subset-shapefile

There are two features in our subset. Why does the plot look like there is only one feature? Let’s adjust the colors used in our plot. If we have 2 features in our vector object, we can plot each using a unique color by assigning a column name to the color aesthetic (color =). We use the syntax aes(color = ) to do this. We can also alter the default line thickness by using the size = parameter, as the default value of 0.5 can be hard to see. Note that size is placed outside of the aes() function, as we are not connecting line thickness to a data variable.

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = zone_5, aes(color = factor(OBJECTID)), size = 1.5) +
  labs(color = 'Polygon ID') +
  ggtitle("Walleye Management Units", subtitle = "Zone 5") + 

plot of chunk plot-subset-shapefile-unique-colors

Now, we see that there are in fact two features in our plot!

Challenge: Subset Spatial Objects Part 1

Subset out all erie_zones that have an area greater than 3000 square kilometers and plot it.


First we will filter our object by the SQ_KM attribute:

erie_zones_big <- erie_zones %>% 
  dplyr::filter(SQ_KM > 3000)

Let’s check how many features there are in this subset:

[1] 3

Now let’s plot that data:

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = erie_zones_big, size = 1.5) +
  ggtitle("Big Management Zones") + 

plot of chunk harv-boardwalk-map

Customize Plots

In the examples above, ggplot() automatically selected colors for each line based on a default color order. If we don’t like those default colors, we can create a vector of colors - one for each feature. To create this vector we can use the following syntax:

c("color_one", "color_two", "color_three")[object$factor]

Note in the above example we have

  1. a vector of colors - one for each factor value (unique attribute value)
  2. the attribute itself ([object$factor]) of class factor.

First we will check how many unique levels our factor has:


Then we can create a pallet of four colors, one for each feature in our vector object.

zone_colors <- c("blue", "green", "navy", "purple", "orange")

We can tell ggplot to use these colors when we plot the data.

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = erie_zones, aes(color = MGMTUNIT)) + 
  scale_color_manual(values = zone_colors) +
  labs(color = 'Unit ID') +
  ggtitle("Walleye Management Units", subtitle = "colored by zone") + 

plot of chunk harv-paths-map

Adjust Line Width

We adjusted line width universally earlier. If we want a unique line width for each factor level or attribute category in our spatial object, we can use the same syntax that we used for colors, above.

We already know that we have five different MGMTUNIT levels in the erie_zones object, so we will set five different line widths.

line_widths <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

We can use those line widths when we plot the data.

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = erie_zones, aes(color = MGMTUNIT, size = MGMTUNIT)) + 
  scale_color_manual(values = zone_colors) +
  labs(color = 'Unit ID') +
  scale_size_manual(values = line_widths) +
  ggtitle("Walleye Management Units", subtitle = "line width varies by zone") + 

plot of chunk harv-paths-map-wide

Challenge: Plot Line Width by Attribute

In the example above, we set the line widths to be 1, 2, 3, and 4. Because R orders factor levels alphabetically by default, this gave us a plot where zone 5 (the last factor level) was the thickest and zone 1 was the thinnest.

Let’s create another plot where we show the different line types with the following thicknesses:

  1. zone 1 = 6
  2. zone 2 = 1
  3. zone 3 = 3
  4. zone 4 = 2
  5. zone 5 = 1


First we need to look at the levels of our factor to see what order the road types are in:


We then can create our line_width vector setting each of the levels to the desired thickness.

line_width <- c(6, 1, 3, 2, 1)

Now we can create our plot.

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = erie_zones, aes(size = MGMTUNIT)) +
  scale_size_manual(values = line_width) +
  ggtitle("Walleye Management Units", subtitle = "line width varies by zone manually") +  

plot of chunk harv-path-line-types

Data Tip

You can modify the default R color palette using the palette method. For example palette(rainbow(6)) or palette(terrain.colors(6)). You can reset the palette colors using palette("default")!

Challenge: Plot Lines by Attribute

  1. Create a map of Lake Erie bathymetry contours using the data located in your downloaded data folder: erie_contours.shp. Apply a color to contour using its depth_m value. Add a legend.


First we read in the data:

erie_contours <- st_read("data/erie_contours.shp") 
Reading layer `erie_contours' from data source 
  using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 8764 features and 3 fields
Geometry type: LINESTRING
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -83.57167 ymin: 41.36359 xmax: -78.7695 ymax: 42.9103
Geodetic CRS:  GCS_unknown

Now we can create our plot:

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = erie_contours, aes(color = depth_m), size = 1) +
  ggtitle("Lake Erie Bathymetry") + 

plot of chunk colored-state-boundaries

Key Points

  • Spatial objects in sf are similar to standard data frames and can be manipulated using the same functions.

  • Almost any feature of a plot can be customized using the various functions and options in the ggplot2 package.